
英文解釈上級編 チャレンジ 1日目


1-1 In his search for more comfortable living, modern man sometimes makes for his fellow men and even for himself an environment which turns out to be potentially harmful to health.

語句: search 「追求」 comfortable 「快適な」 his fellow men 「彼と同時代人」 environment 「環境」 turn out to be ...「...であることがわかる」 potentially 「潜在的に  (....)の可能性がある harmful 「有害な」

構造: S+V+副詞句+O  副詞句がVとOに入っている構造
・ Vの「makes」のOが、「an environment」で「which」以下は、「an environment」を修飾する形容
・ for his fellow men and even for himselfは、V「makes」を修飾する副詞句

・ In his searchのhisは、後からでるくる主語の「modern man」である。そしてこの副詞句は、When he searches for more comfortable living と置き換えて訳した方が日本語的になる。
・ which 以下の文の、potentiallyは直訳では「潜在的に健康に有害になることが分かっている(環境)」となるが、このような副詞は、「~になる可能性がある」と動詞に変えて訳す方が日本語的になる。turn out (補語) 結局は~になる。~であることがわかる。    


Many people seem to have built their lives around the notion that they are in some way indispensable to children, and to question this is to attack the very center of their being.

語句: notion 「概念、考え」 in some way 「ある点で、なんらかの点で」 be indispensable to A 「Aにとって不可欠な」 question 「~に異議を唱える」 the very + A 「まさにA」 being  「存在」

構造: the notion that 以下に S+V+副詞句+C 副詞句がVとCに入っている構造
・ Vの「are」のCが、「indispensable 」
・ 「in some way」は副詞句

・ to have built は、完了不定詞の用法。 これは、述語動詞「seem」よりも「前の時」を示す。
・ the notion that ~ the notion と同格の「that 節」
・ , and 以下は別の文で to questionがS、 is がV、 to attackが Cで 不定詞の名詞節
  cf 「be + 不定詞」の場合は、「予定、運命、義務、可能、意図」を表わす場合もあるがこの場合
・  「the very」 のvery は、「強調の”まさに”」の意味
・ their beingのtheirは、Many peopleを示す。    
・ in some way wayは多義語 道、距離、方向、進行、手段(やり方)、習慣(複数形)、 点(in ... wayの形)、意志(one's wayの形) 



一橋大学の英語問題(3) 2006年1番

がんを宣告されたレーサーの話 内省的な性格を帯びるようになった。

(1) I was oddly unemotional.
          奇妙にも感情的でなかった(冷静であった)。 その理由を日本語で説明しなさい。
There was a certain relief in hearing the worst news yet
          because I felt like that was the end of it all. No doctor could tell me anything more; now I knew every terrible thing in the world.

(2) my chances 内容を具体的にあからかにしつつ和訳

(3)具体的にどのようなことか 100字以内で説明しなさい
cancer was teaching me a tolerance of ambiguities. がんはあいまいさの寛容(汎用)であることを教えていた。
a tolerance of ambiguities = to be tolerant to ambiguities.  個人語である。
あいまいさ= 勝ちか負けがはっきりしない
寛容 = 
 For most of my life I had operated under a simple principal of wininng or losing.
 It will destroy a strong person with a wonderful attitude
 It somehow miraculously fails to affect the weaker person who is willing to accept failure.

→ 僕は青春時代に野球にすべてをかけた。野球に全力を投入した。

(4) 下線部の和訳
 As I came to realize the full extent of my illness, I refused to let the fear completely erase my optimism.



key words:
ethics  倫理
moral 道徳
virtue 美徳
property 財産 properties(財産)
hypocricy  偽善

第一段落 People have the wrong idea about ethics.(人は倫理観に関して誤った考えを持っている)。
here: at the point where no punishment is possible, no sanction is effective, no condemnation is necessary.

・punish 罰する
・repress (好ましくないものを) 抑圧する(抑える
・condemn  非難する(糾弾する)、有罪の判決をする、宣告する(人 有罪、不治の病)、もの(不適とする)
      be sentensed(condemned) to death
の罰を恐れて悪事を働かないこと これは倫理の問題だろうか?
self-interest(自己利益的→ 利己的) これは、倫理観でなく、警戒心である。美徳の反対で抜け目のなさからの善業である。
fear of the police cautionを言い換えている。

virtue 美徳 善、徳 behaviour showing high moral standards
 goodness 性格、行動に表れた善良な性質についての一般的語
 morality 正しい行動の基準に従うこと

prudence prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future
  thoughtful  prudent
  discreet 社交面で面倒や摩擦を起こさないように留意する
     prudent  先を見通して思慮深い(形式)
  cautious 危険を避けるために万全の警戒をする
     circumspect 周りの状況をよく考えて後ろ指をさされたり危険がふりかからないように非常に慎重に(形式)
  wary  疑念があるために用心深い

* 賢い     wise、sage、judicious,prudent
      反対語 foolish stupid,silly ridiculous

(自由の具体例) それをどう考慮して制御するのかのいう筋道で書くはず。

Noone can not answer for you.(誰も貴方に代わって応えることはできない)
Ethics is freedom itself, when that freedom is considered and controlled.

that which you would still require of yourself or forbid yourself, even if you were invisible, not out of self-interest, but from a sense of duty that alone  is strictly moral.


require of yourself or forbid yourself 自分に求めるあるいは禁じること
not out of self interest,but from a sense of duty      利己心ではなく義務感
standards by which you judge yourself          自分を判断する基準
not xxx what others might think, some external threat,   他人がどう考えるか、外部の脅威
but conception of
good and evel       善と悪
duty and xx prohibition ,  義務と禁止事項
humanity and yourself      人間らしさと自分らしさ
sume total of the rules

(2) Anything that you do not usually do
         but would permit yourself wereyou invisible
  owes less to ethics
  it does to caution or hypocrisy

hypocrisy 偽善 false
 virtue  dishonesty

on the otherhand(一方)  
moral の定義 自分自身をさばく(判断する)標準を有する
morality is in the name of  a particular conception of good and evel, of duty and of prohibition
in the name of what is (  ) and ( ), of humanity and of yourself

In practical terms(実務的な用語に従えば)
morality is the sum of the rules which you would respect, even were you invisible and unbeatable.

less to ethics than it(anthing) does(owes) to catuion or hypocrisy

that とは the sume total of the rules 規範(規則)の総計

It is the sum total of those things that an indivisual imposed on himself, not primarily to further his own welfare of happiness- that would be nothing more than egotism-but in consideration of the interests or the
( ) of others, in order to stay true to a certain conception of humanity and of himself.

egotism 利己主義 自己中心癖

Moral: なんらかの世の中の基準にもとづき自分自身を律すること

caution:  3)
morality has its standards by which you judge yourself  2)
Moralizing: 倫理を他人に求めること  1)
what would you do ? what would you not do? → what should I do ?

Ethics 自分自身の基準にもとづき自分自身を律すること

what should I do ?
from time to time 時には
imperatives(ほっとけない)事態、必要、義務。  規則、規範

legitimate 合法の、既存の規則にあった、道理にかなった

moralizing 道徳的お説教 道徳を論じる、説法する
compassion 同情



A GOVERNMENT’S credibility is founded on its commitment to honour its debts. As a result of the dramas of the past few weeks, that crucial commodity is eroding in the West. The struggles in Europe to keep Greece in the euro zone and the brinkmanship in America over the debt ceiling have presented investors with an unattractive choice: should you buy the currency that may default, or the one that could disintegrate?

honor its debts 債務の支払いを守る
brinkmanship  瀬戸際戦術

In the early days of the economic crisis the West’s leaders did a reasonable job of clearing up a mess that was only partly of their making. Now the politicians have become the problem. In both America and Europe, they are exhibiting the sort of behaviour that could turn a downturn into stagnation. The West’s leaders are not willing to make tough choices; and everybody the markets, the leaders of the emerging world, the banks, even the voters knows it. It is a mark of how low expectations have sunk that the euro zone’s half-rescue of Greece on July 21st was greeted with relief. As The Economist went to press, it still was not clear on what terms America’s debt limit would be raised, and for how long. Even if the current crises abate or are averted, the real danger persists: that the West’s political system cannot take the difficult decisions needed to recover from a crisis and prosper in the years ahead.
In this section
abate 弱める 衰える 
avert 避ける、防ぐ

world has seen this before. Two decades ago, Japan’s economic bubble popped; since then its leaders have procrastinated and postured. The years of political paralysis have done Japan more harm than the economic excesses of the 1980s. Its economy has barely grown and its regional influence has withered. As a proportion of GDP, its gross public debt is the highest in the world, twice America’s and nearly twice Italy’s. If something similar were to happen to its fellow democracies in Europe and America, the consequences would be far larger. No wonder China’s autocrats, flush with cash and an (only partly deserved) reputation for getting things done, feel as if the future is on their side.

Though both about debt, the arguments in Europe and America have very different origins. The euro crisis was brought on by investors with genuine worries about the solvency of several euro-zone countries. By contrast the stand-off in Washington is a political creation, thrust upon initially incredulous investors (see article). Increasing America’s overdraft beyond $14.3 trillion should have been relatively simple. But Republican congressmen, furious about big government, have recklessly used it as a political tool to embarrass Barack Obama.
Compare world debt levels over time with our updated interactive debt guide

The similarity between the European and American dramas lies in the protagonists’ refusal to face reality. European politicians, led by Angela Merkel, have gone to absurd lengths to avoid admitting two truths: that Greece is bust; and that north Europeans (and Mrs Merkel’s thrifty Germans in particular) will end up footing a good part of the bill, either by transferring money to the south or by bailing out their own banks. They have failed to undertake a serious restructuring: the current rescue package reduces Greece’s debt, but not by enough to give it a genuine chance of recovery (see article). As a result, Greece, and maybe other peripheral European countries too, will need another bail-out sooner or later. Just as in Japan, politicians have failed to make the structural labour- and product-market reforms essential to spurring growth. If this deal spawns a fiscal union within Europe, as it may well, that will not be because Mrs Merkel and her peers took a bold, strategic and transparent decision to create one, but because they ran away from more immediate forms of pain (see article).

America’s debt debate seems still more kabuki-like. Its fiscal problem is not now it should be spending to boost recovery but in the medium term. Its absurdly complicated tax system raises very little, and the ageing of its baby-boomers will push its vast entitlement programmes towards bankruptcy. Mr Obama set up a commission to examine this issue and until recently completely ignored its sensible conclusions. The president also stuck too long to the fiction that the deficit can be plugged by taxing the rich more: he even wasted part of a national broadcast this week bashing the wealthy, though the Democrats had already withdrawn proposals for such rises.

Yet Mr Obama and his party seem a model of fiscal statesmanship compared with their Republican opponents. Once upon a time the American right led the world when it came to rethinking government; now it is an intellectual pygmy. The House Republicans could not even get their budget sums right, so the vote had to be delayed. A desire to curb Leviathan is admirable, but the tea-partiers live in a fantasy world in which the deficit can be reduced without any tax increases: even Mr Obama’s attempts to remove loopholes in the tax code drive the zealots into paroxysms of outrage.

In both Europe and America electorates seem to be turning inward. There is the same division between “ins” and “outs” that has plagued Japan. In Europe one set of middle-class workers is desperate to hang on to protections and privileges: millions of others are stuck in unprotected temporary jobs or are unemployed. In both Europe and America well-connected public-sector unions obstruct progress. And then there is the greatest (and also the least sustainable) division of all: between the old, clinging tightly to entitlements they claim to have earned, and the young who will somehow have to pay for all this.

Sometimes crises beget bold leadership. Not, unfortunately, now. Japan has mostly been led by a string of weak consensus-seekers. For all their talents, both Mr Obama and Mrs Merkel are better at following public opinion than leading it.

The problem lies not just in the personalities involved, but also in the political structures. Japan’s dysfunctional politics were rooted in its one-party system: petty factionalism has survived both the Liberal Democratic Party’s resounding defeat in 2009 and the recent tsunami (see article). In America’s Congress the moderate centre conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans has collapsed, in part because partisan redistricting has handed over power to the extremes. In Europe national politicians, answerable to their own electorates, are struggling to confront continent-wide problems.

Autocrats need not sneer at the troubles of Western democracies. The problems the latter face would tax any government; and, as the Asian financial crisis a decade ago showed, dictatorships are often worse at distributing pain. Moreover, Western politics is less broken than many allege. Since 2009 Congress has passed a huge stimulus and the health-care bill, both controversial yet also evidence that the legislature can get things done. For all their petty foolishness, the Republicans are bringing issues like tax reform and entitlements into the national debate. Outside the euro zone in Britain, and in the Baltic republics, for instance politicians have implemented reforms and austerity programmes with admirable speed.

Our views on what the West should do will be painfully familiar to readers. Europe’s politicians need to implement not just a serious restructuring of the peripheral countries’ debts but also a serious reform of their economies, to clean out cronyism, corruption and all the inefficiencies that hold back their growth. America’s Democrats need to accept entitlement cuts and Republicans higher taxes. Independent commissions should set electoral boundaries. And so on.

Japan’s politicians had umpteen chances to change course; and the longer they avoided doing so, the harder it became. Their peers in the West should heed that example.




























閑話休題- 時事英語(生きた言葉) アップルCEO ジョブス氏退任のあいさつ

先日時価総額世界一のアップル社のCEOであるSteve Jobs氏がCEO(最高経営執行者)の職を実施することが発表されました。それはアップル社の公式サイトで次のような文面で発出されたものです。 

August 24, 2011 

Letter from Steve Jobs

To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.










1 企業の役職名
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CIO  Chief Information Officer
COO Chief Operation Officer
CTO Chief Technology Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
Board of Directors

2 resign  ~をやめる  resignation
appoint ~を任命する

3 succession plan   succeed(の跡を継ぐ=take over an office, title etc.))の名詞 succeed to ~を継ぐという形が多い

succession(引き継ぎ) successor(後継者、後任者)  
Bush succeeded Clinton as President. ブッシュが大統領としてクリントンの跡を継いだ。
(反) preceed(~に先行する) pre+ceed(cede) 前もっていくこと

cf success succeed in (~に成功する、うまくいく)の名詞で成功

4 execute  ~を執行する(実行する)
5 employee(従業員、社員)、 employer(雇用主)

6 alongside
7 現在完了形  継続的に今まで~をしたきた、あるいは、とうとうその日が来たといった表現で完了形が使われています。


1 Its significance lies in its power to arouse passionate loyalties and hatreds that motivate acts of extreme violence and courage.

Itsのitは、nationalism  国家主義 ー 民族主義 (ナショナリズム)
lies in ~  ~に存在する


* 国家主義と訳すこと People kill and die for their nations. 国家のために殺人を行うし死を選ぶ。
significant 相当の かなり大きな  重要な
significance 重要性 重大さ  意義(意味)  (統計上の)有意性
arouse  刺激する 呼び起こす
passionate 情熱的な 気性の激しい
loyalty 忠誠 忠誠心
hatred 憎しみ 憎悪
motivate  動機を与える

Of course, it is not alone in this; 
もちろん この点においては国家主義だけというわけではない。
it : 国家主義 this 人が殺人を行ったり死を選ぶこと

ダブル; 例えばというようにそれを説明を展開する。

However, these other loyalties are often

these other loyalties  家族、拡大家族(一族)、自分の家族などが住んでいる家庭地域への忠誠心をいう。

a universal law in life formsとthe instinct to protect one's own extended familyは同格

supreme sacrifice  最大限の犠牲

obey  のいうことに従う
universal law 普遍的な法則
life form 生命体 
genetic material 遺伝物質
instinct 本能

The nation is not generally essential to survival in this way
( )内

but the ( ) of the nation as a social unit  would not in itself pose a threat to individual or family survival.

The notion that in defending the nation  one is defending one's own genetic material国を守ること

only if it were to be accompanied by ethnic violence or severe economic collapse would it be life-threatening, ans such disasterous events are not an inevitable consequence of the loss of political independence.

it = (the disappearance) of the nation as a social unit 

ethnic 民族の
folklore 民俗 民俗学

The disappearance of the nation as a social unit would not in itself pose a threat to individual or family survival;


the entire nation were to be wiped off  wipe out

pose a threat to


実践編 大学入試問題(英語)から読み解く

2005年一橋大学 英語入試問題

P-1 小さい子供への物語を読み聞かせの重要性は一般的に理解されている
the importance of reading stories to small children
to ~になっているので 子供に本を読み聞かせることが重要であること
(reading stories to small children is importantと解釈すること)

その後、storiesは、storytelling, fairly tale(おとぎ話)のような別の言葉に置き換えられている。
read a fairly(nursery) tale to a child 子供におとぎ話しを聞かせる。

We're not talking about fairly tale now, and something like that sounds just too good to be true.

literacy 言語運用能力 教養 知識(能力)

literacy rate 識字率 
question a person's literacy 教養を疑う
information literacy 情報活用能力
acquire computer literacy コンピューターを使いこなすための知識を取得する。

storytelling 物語を話す(書く)こと

the ability to read and write   competence or knowledge in a specified area
P-2 読み書きができるようになる以外にも「他人や自分自身の中での葛藤をどう解決するか想像上の登場人物に同一して子供が体験できる機会になる」という大きな利点がある。

例:P-3 ~ P


fanciful characters(その後例とし説明する童話の擬人化されたPeter rabbitから
Storyにででくる登場人物から類推  あるいは some stories are more realisticというこのrealisticに対立する表現)
humility   (arroganceの反対語) 
parable  Thisは、The Tale of Peter Rabbit。まとめて言うとどういう意味になるか?言い換え

Millions of Cats → 謙虚さ(傲慢の反対)であることが報われる道になりうることが大変魅力的にみえるとの考え
  The Tale of Peter Rabbit  自分自身の人生の生き写しになっているがそれがおもしろおかしく感じられること

The workshop's goal was the youths' contribution of their work to the community.

behavior point 良好な行動評価点


juvenile prison young     in adult and juvenile prisons alikeでadultと~と比較して類推することもできる。

literacy  reading and writing skills
bibliotherapy リハビリ目的で精神的な問題を解決するためにLiteratureを使う治療法

wants a bath   魔法使いは、お風呂(bath)に入りたかったのに、「batとスペルを誤ってかいたためbat(こうもり)が出てきて、その棒に洞穴中追いかけまわされてしまった。

fewer would have to do so in prison.
fewer ほどんど~はいない ~は前のchildrenであること
do soのsoが何を指しているかがポイント hear fairy tales in prison


→ わかりやすく どうして刑務所内で童話を読み聞きすることになっているかの理由を簡潔に

restituion institution  re st
punishment(罰)、protection of the community(社会を守る)

the act 

1 He though idea(write children's books) might be
  He also knew that
tough-guy street language 意気がった不良言葉(荒れたシャバ言葉)


Less aggressive
seeking her favorの訳し方 彼女の好意を求めるのに消極的な
青春時代を過ごした   謙虚にしていると報われる場合がある

fairly tail
lap ひざ
make up  ~を構成する  作り上げる ~(不足分)を補って完全なものにする。
bat (野球の)バット  棍棒 こうもり

序論 子供に物語を聞かせることの重要性
主張 従来読み書きができるようになること以外にも「他人との衝突や自分自身の葛藤をなんとか解決しようとする想像上の登場人物に重ね合わす機会をもつことの重要性もある。これは遅すぎることはないものだ。

・理由 服役前に親になった服役者

Mr.Hilman 書き方講習を実行
Millions of cats 謙虚さを持つことが報いられることに魅力を感じているのではないか
The tale of Peter Rabbit







前提: 筆者が最終的に主張したいことはたった一つである。
論理: 筆者が主張をいかに不特定多数の人々に説明していくかの筋道
主張: 筆者が具体的な話しをまとめ、普遍的なテーマへと抽象化している部分が筆者の主張となる。

略号 A  筆者の主張  A' Aの具体例  B Aを前提にした筆者の結論

-1 論理の法則 同一命題反復の公式
(1) A → A' → A
(2) A' → A
(3) A → A' → B
(4) A' → A → B

-2 論理の法則 対立命題の公式
(1) 対比のパターン 主張「A」を強調するために反対の「O」と比べる。
(2) 譲歩のパターン あえて反対の「O」を引合いに出してそれを否定して主張「A」を導く展開
(3) 弁証法のパターン 対立する意見を統一して高い次元に押し上げる主張「A」も導く


野球は私の青春そのものであった → 青春時代には私は野球に全ての情熱をかけて打ち込んだ。


したがって、だから、ゆえに、そこで → 前が理由
つまり、すなわち、言い換えれば  → 後は言い換え、要約

順接的 順接 そして すると
因果 したがって だから そこで そうなると ゆえに
逆説的 逆説 しかし、けれども、だが、かえって → 後に「A」がある。
* 論理の流れを逆転すること
補足説明 もっとも ただし → 前に「A」がある。
いイコール  つまり すなわち 要するに いわば
理由(呼応) なぜなら  というのは
添加 しかも かつ そのうえに さらに
並列 選択  また あるいは それから
対比 これに対して
* 対になって反対の性質のものを比べること
比較・強調 むしろ  AむしろBである。 Aと比較してBを強調する
例示 たとえば
話題の転換 ところで

けっして ~しない
まるで ~のようだ



もちろん ~わけではない